Thank you!!

To my readers,

For nearly 4 years, I have brought you over 800 unique daily devotionals across 31 different series. I’ve shared these series and posts on social media and want to thank all who have followed my devotional writing. I hope that it has inspired you to read the Bible more often and understand it more deeply.

With the end of the Revelation series, I am bringing an end to my daily maintenance of this site. I hope that it will still be of help to many as you can search by category and read any of the series that you’d like. I would encourage you to continue to read the Bible daily and use my devotional series as you study and learn.

I hope to bring more of these devotionals into print as well. If you’d like to buy a copy of my devotional series through the book of Mark, you can find it here. It is a great resource for those who are new to the Bible and can be a great first-time visitor gift for churches to give away.

Blessings and thank you for being on this journey with me!


BONUS POST — Why Mothering Is Not A Job

“She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” — Proverbs 31:25

Happy Mother’s Day!

I’m excited to bring you an extra post today in honor of Mother’s Day. You probably either know a mother or are a mother, so I’m assuming you’ll humor me in reading about mothers today. Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of articles and other comments about being a mother and many of those compare mothering to various jobs. I’ve even seen calculations of the combined salaries of various jobs that mothers “should” get paid. Taxi service. Chef. Personal assistant. Maid. Event planner. Salary per year: $800,000. You get the point… moms do a lot and they don’t get paid for it.

As a mom, I used to think in those terms. But I don’t anymore and here’s why: I realized being a mother is not a job. It’s a relationship. When I put a dollar amount on what I should be paid for all I do, it only serves to rob my heart and plant a bitter seed. Not saying that is the case for everyone or the motivation of those writing such things. But for me, when I think of my role as mother as a job, I want to punch in and punch out. I want to have very specific job descriptions and go on strike when I am treated unfairly. I want my subordinates to behave themselves or get fired. But none of those things are what it means to have a family.

Mothers who mother well are those who are kind and generous because that is the kind of person they want to be. They focus on relationship and step into an emotionally nurturing role that gives back the satisfaction of impacting a life rather than a paycheck or a thank you. Mothers who mother well have a clear sense of their leadership role in the family system and they see their children as independent people who need emotional care. Mothers who mother well are “clothed in strength and dignity” as the above verse describes. They know God, they know themselves and their peers, and they know their children. And they align those in the right order.

I fear that as a culture we have lost what it means to love. Everything is measured in time and money. Here’s your freedom for today: take time to measure your heart. What does it mean that God is parenting you? If you are a mother, how does that translate into how you can mother well? If you are not a mother but you know one, love her well so that her tank is full. May we all love one another out of the place of overflow.





Welcome to Freedom For Today! Here we will dwell in the Word of God and seek to understand God’s wisdom and his heart for mental health. Each day Kristen will post a short devotional thought that you can meditate on throughout your day. She hopes to both challenge and inspire you to apply the Bible to your life, finding freedom for today.

Be sure to subscribe to get Kristen’s posts delivered directly to your inbox! And also be sure to take a look at Kristen’s books, written to help you tackle some of the toughest emotional issues you face.